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What's New at Scuba Divers World


After the COVID-19 pandemic and years of neglect, our primary focus remains on modernizing our website by eliminating obsolete content and incorporating fresh, pertinent material.

We understand that we've disappointed you by failing to maintain our content. However, we are now revitalized and committed to transforming this website into a destination you'll want to frequent.


All our efforts have been spent in making our website look better on mobile devices. We are making all the text larger and easier to read. Clickable links are further apart from each other to prevent clicking the wrong item. And also leaving more space between text to make it easier to read.

We are also having new logos made. Received six concepts yesterday. We are in the process of evaluating them and requesting some changes to some, completely eliminating some we do not like and also asking for a few more concepts. Hopefully in about a week we will have our logos so we can show them off to everyone.


Additional behind the scenes modernization and performance improvements. Portable device users will notice the greatest performance improvements.


Added US and British Virgin Islands. Also added New York.


By popular demand added Oregon Dive Centers. Added an online Chat functionality in order to assist visitors with any question.


Added New Jersey Dive Centers. More Under the cover improvements for upcoming modernization.


Performance improvements. We have optimized our cache so photos and scripts will load much faster. We have cleaned up some of our most frequently used code to make the payload smaller. This will really improve performance over a cellular connections. We will continue to optimize out site to make it the fastest possible while sending the smallest amount of data needed while still providing the required information.


WebMail is now fully integrated into our website. You can get to it by clicking the WebMail Logo on the left navigation bar, or by clicking WebMail on the Top or Bottom of any of our website pages.


An eMail FAQ page has been added to our website.


We added a button to print the Scuba Checklist instead of a right mouse click in order to be able to print it from phones and tablets.


Clicking on the photo on the main page will now cause it to show a different photo. You can now turn it into a slideshow.


The Scuba Magazine page has been cleaned up. Old bad links removed and a few new ones added. Amazing how many places have gone out of business in the last few years.


We have made a print version of our popular Scuba Checklist. It removes the Navigation Bar on the left and when printing it removes instructions on the top of the page and does page ejects at the top of appropriate sections. I know a lot of diver will really appreciate this new print version of our Checklist. Kudos to the programmer that made the changes.


Jamaica Scuba Resorts have been added. The Forums have been shut down. They really weren't being used and it was a constant battle trying to keep the hackers and spammers out. We rather dedicate our time improving other areas of the website. We are not completely ruling them out. We can certainly bring them back up after we have completed the remaining work on the website. And we will only bring them up by popular demand.


Behind the scenes performance improvements. Added Jamaica Scuba Centers. Jamaica Scuba Resorts coming very soon!


The main Florida Dive Sites Table is now sortable by clicking on the Column Header. We also added Rhode Island's Dive Shops. Not too many, but visitors were certainly looking for them.


Since we also have surfers that come to our website and use our eMail Service, it makes sense that we also include photos from them and some of my own photo on the main page. Not of me surfing, I'm not very good at it, but I'm a photographer and shoot Pro Surf competitions, so I will post some of the photos that I have taken of Pro Surfers along with any that surfers send.


Through an affiliation with we have added a Surf Shop to our website.


Scuba Centers & Resorts for Aruba Bonaire and Curacao are finally finished.


Scuba Diver World now also offers Surfing related eMail Accounts.


For a limited time we are offering a Free 30 Day Trial on new eMail accounts.


We have added an eMail Subscription list. From time to time we will send out emails with special negotiated discounts on Scuba Diving Equipment, Liveaboards and Dive Trips.


Vanity Scuba related email accounts are now available.


ScubaDivers WorldSite is now officially just Scuba Divers World. If you link to us and referred to us by our old name, please updated your link to our new name. The domain name is still

New logos are being prepared. So far we have only created one new logo in two different sizes.


SSL has been implemented. You can tell by the small lock on your browser to the left of our domain name. You can rest assured knowing that your communications with our website are encrypted and cannot be seen by anyone. It also validates that you are indeed connected to us, and not a website trying to impersonate us.


We've have created a forum. So far we only have a few topic, but more will be added in the next couple of days.

Let's start posting some messages to the forum.


We've have slightly changed the format of the site and have done some under the cover changes for future modernization of the site. We've also added some more eMail addresses to make it easier to reach us.

We've also gotten more pages working.


Please keep in mind that this site was started 20 years ago and shutdown 15 years ago. It's an old outdated style, but once we get it all working, we do plan on implementing a more modern look. And the more we think about it, the more likely we are to include Forums.

Cleaning the old links of places that have shutdown or changed domain names over the last 15 years has become pretty time consuming and slowing us down. I could easily put the pages back, without going through each link, but I don't want people clicking on bad links. I rather take the time and inspect each link. But if you have priority for a given area, please let us know.


Moving along nicely. We've gotten working a few more sections of the site including Dive Centers, Dive Clubs and Dive Resorts Indexes. Please email us if you would like to see priority given section within the Centers, Clubs and Resort. For now we plan to start with Florida since a ton of people still come down here to dive this time or year.

We also added the eMail section with some information about the upcoming Vanity eMail addresses.


We have made tremendous progress and have gotten a lot of areas of the website working. We now have an eMail account working. We can be reached at We plan to add several more accounts to streamline the communications process.


ScubaDivers WorldSite is being brought back to life. A ton of work is needed to update it to new standards and different hosting. But we plan to work promptly to hopefully have it pretty functional within a few weeks. Some of the main links on the left will not work until we update them to work on the new host. Not all functions may be brought back, such as Forums and Chat. But we will re-evaluate and maybe in the end we may add Forums, but that for now is at the bottom of our list.


ScubaDivers WorldSite is shutting down on or about 12/31/05.

Thank You for visiting Scuba Divers World and please tell your friend about us.

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